Time to Clean Out Your Content Closets by Julie Escobar One of the things that speakers and coaches tend to forget is that they already have a treasure trove of content in their “closets”. All right, so they might actually be on a hard drive, or a file folder, or a desk dr
Why Staccato Copy Gets Read by Julie Escobar It’s funny sometimes. A while back I had a new client call who absolutely was, “in LOVE with Connie’s copy!” “Awesome”, I said. (She’s amazing after all.) He proceeded to say he needed his entire s
Adding Visual Elements with Ease By Hailey Escobar, WriteMind Media Marketing your brand in the age of social media is all about image. At least, it’s about the images you post. Instagram and Facebook followers constantly need easy-to-read content flashing on their feed to remind them
Getting Content Done (The Easy Way) by Julie Escobar For most speakers? The idea of sitting down and writing a blog, an article, a white paper — a just about anything content-related feels a lot like WORK. You’re a speaker, not a typist! One of the ways many speakers use u
And Have a Little Fun While You’re At It! I’m often asked what little things speakers and coaches can add to their marketing plans that might help tip the scales in their favor with event planners and clients. Here are five fun strategies to consider: Use your new content
Success Comes to Those Who Are In for the Duration By Julie Escobar Now’s a good time to ask yourself…Are you an instant gratification kind of entreprenuer or one who’s in this business for the long haul? Do you want ‘just now’ results or a career you can COUNT on and PLAN on to take
The Four Things You’re NOT Doing (You Know Who You Are!) That Could Be Costing You Business I hear it all the time from busy coaches, trainers and speakers, “I’m so busy working IN my business – there’s just not enough time to work ON it!” You’re not alone. That’s the ‘devil’s in th
First Steps… Networking Savvy for Sales and Service Professionals requires much more than printing up business cards. By definition, networking means to weave a relationship fabric with local like-minded individuals for support and mutual assistance. To succeed, you must continu